Contact us for professional junk removal.

Professional junk removal services in Perth.
Junk Removals is your friendly and professional junk removal service in Perth. No job is too big or small. Whether near, or far, we do them all!
Our team provides all types of waste disposal, from junk removal, recycling services, office strip outs and deceased estate clearance. We even have a bobcat service, to ensure all of our customers’ requirements are covered.
Our philosophy at Junk Removal is to make rubbish removal as easy as possible. So why get your hands dirty? We can do a professional junk removal service for you?
Connect with us.
Where we operate.
We service all suburbs in Perth. From Joondalup to Mandurah, Fremantle, to the Hills and everywhere in between we can pickup your junk.
Don’t worry about long drives, we schedule your rubbish removal job with others booked in your local area.
Additionally, we are regularly up near Joondalup and Two Rocks, and passing through Perth CBD all the time. Additionally, we consistently do waste removal around the Airport, Morley and Kalamunda. Frequently, we’re Byford, Mandurah and Bunbury too.
Just call 1300 782 038 or 0414 694 656 and we can remove your junk. Anywhere!

We service all suburbs in Perth with professional junk removal.
Northern Suburbs
Joondalup, Edgewater, Kingsley, Wanneroo, Wangara, Hillarys, Duncraig, Malaga, Landsdale, Ellenbrook, Balcatta, Scarborough, Midland, Morley, Osbourne Park, Mount Lawley, West and East Perth, Perth CBD, Alexander Heights, Ashby, Balga, Beldon, Carine, Connolly, Craigie, Darch, Duncraig, Girrawheen, Gnangara, Greenwood, Hamersley, Heathridge, Hocking, Jandabup, Kallaroo, Kingsley, Kingsway, Koondoola, Landsdale, Lexia, Madeley, Marangaroo, Marmion, Mirrabooka, Mullaloo, Nollamara, North Beach, Ocean Reef, Padbury, Pearsall, Pinjar, Sorrento, Wangara, and more.
Southern Suburbs
Applecross, Attadale, Bicton, Byford, Piara Waters, Kardinya, Welshpool, Myaree, Melville, O’Connor, Booragoon, Canning Vale, Armadale, Kalamunda, Maddington, Fremantle, Warnbro and Rockingham, Armadale, Atwell, Aubin Grove, Banjup, Bateman, Beaconsfield, Beckenham, Bedfordale, Beeliar, Bentley, Bibra Lake, Brookdale, Bull Creek, Burswood, Cannington, Carlisle, Cockburn, Coogee, Victoria Park, Ferndale, Forrestdale, Gosnells, Hamilton Hill, Harrisdale, Henderson, Hilton, Huntingdale, Jandakot, Kardinya, Kensington, Kenwick, Langford, Maddington, Murdoch, North Lake, Orange Grove, Queens Park, Riverton, Rivervale, Shelley, Success, Thornlie, Waterford, Wattle Grove, Wattleup, Wilson, and more.